Kris T. Huang, MD, PhD, CTO
Mapping image registration confidence
Automated TG-132 patient-specific QA

(Red: low, blue/green: high)
Tag: medical software
Kris T. Huang, MD, PhD, CTO
Mapping image registration confidence
Automated TG-132 patient-specific QA
Kris T. Huang, MD, PhD, CTO
Advanced interactive visualization in Autofuse
Real-time volumetric rendering–
See and explore the human body like never before
MRI or CT? Tell us what you think!
Kris T. Huang, MD, PhD, CTO
On the instabilities of deep learning
There’s no free lunch.
Can you see it?
Today we’re lifting the curtain on the machine perception technology behind Autofuse, and showing how it works step by step in a complicated head and neck case and a pediatric spine growth case using scans taken 31 months apart! We also provide a glimpse of the future of patient-specific QA for deformable registration, and how Autofuse technology can be used to monitor how radiation treatment to the spine affects vertebral body growth in children.
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